Saturday, April 8, 2017

MEA Testing

Third and Fourth Graders worked hard on math, reading and written language sections over the last two weeks in March.

This year, the essay portion has been moved to May. We will all appreciate the break from testing! We should be able to schedule all classes for the essay portion in a three day period.

Digital Footprints

In this video from CommonSense Media, students learn that the information that they put online leaves a digital footprint or "trail." This trail can be big or small, helpful or hurtful, depending on how they manage it.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Clicky, the yellow robot, often reminds kids to "Ask an adult!" when they have
any concerns while online. What great advice! If you'd like to see more NetSmartz resources, check out their site.
It's hard to evaluate all the media that is available to our children these days,
but that is exactly what the folks at Common Sense Media are here to help with.

Visit their pages for review of movies, TV shows, books, games, apps and websites.  and so much more.

Parenting can be a little easier..with their resources.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Digital Footprints

Third graders are learning about leaving Digital Footprints,
and have "met" six digital characters (Sandy is shown here) that share their positive and negative choices in their brief clips.

Each student has selected one character to write a letter to, in their Google account. Students will be kindly communicating both their compliments and concerns as they give their best advice.

This activity encompasses all of our school expectations:
Kind & Caring

Good Judgement

Selecting their own desktop pictures for their Linux accounts is a privilege enjoyed by 2nd-4th graders here at HES. We talk about the importance of searching for, and choosing, images that are appropriate for school. Humorous pics are welcome!

Internet Searching

Fourth graders work hard to hone internet search skills. One resource, from Common Sense Media, tells the story of how a young boy refines his search terms and double checks information he finds online with sources he can trust. Turns out, fourth graders have done those types of activities as well!


First Graders have met Clicky, the memorable yellow robot who teaches us about internet safety.

To quote Clicky, if students ever have concerns when online,
they should "Ask an adult!"

We've learned about keeping personal information private, using kind words when using technology, and only looking at images and websites that are good enough for kids to use.


Second and Third graders use Dance Mat Typing
( )
once a week during the second trimester,
to build and strengthen keyboarding skills.

We focus on proper technique: fingers resting on
home row keys, using correct fingers for
letter keys. We discuss how accuracy is more
important than speed. Speed will come later!