Monday, December 12, 2016

Hour of Code Week

The computer lab was filled with focused, busy, challenged, helpful, persistent problem solvers during Computer Science in Education Week, Dec. 5-9.

"I did it!"
"That was awesome!"
"This cow won't move."
"I wish computer class lasted two hours."
"I finished it!"
"I can do this."
"I love code."
"The first one isn't that complex, but it's fun."
"Oh, that's how..."

Students at every grade level chose from coding activities linked to our school page:
See links for additional activities to try at home. 


Third and Fourth graders have had an introduction to Scratch, and we're exploring animations that can be made by connecting/editing blocks to create a script for each character. Scratch can also be accessed online - with your permission - at

When I ask for volunteers...

 ...virtually all hands go up! And they don't even know what they're volunteering for, yet. Turns out, they were asked to estimate the biggest number a computer can understand. We then had a quick intro to binary code; few hands when up when asked if they wanted to do math in binary code!